From our benchmark trials, we found out that around 20-50% of shoppers left their WiFi on or had it turned on purposely. In huge sites such as malls and buildings, the number tends to be lower around 10-20%.
Therefore, Wi-Fi location data is best used as a sampling technology, where trends are derived from location movements, but numbers tend to be less accurate as not everyone is being tracked.
In our mission to help retails mine data and find trends, only a fraction of overall data is needed to discover accurate insights. Similar to how traditional market research is done (with surveys and human observers), only a sample population is required to derive accurate insights about shoppers.
However, there might be some metrics (such as footfall measurement) that yield inaccurate data due to insufficient data, which we resolve by leveraging on video analytics technology.
With the combination of both WiFi and video technology, we provide a comprehensive suite of accurate, actionable analytics.
Please see below on our Tapway Methodology: