Due to many functionalities provided by FLIR Brickstream, we can now use their sensors for a combination of tasks, including:
- Counting only
- Walkby only
- Counting + Walkby
- Counting + Service
- Counting + Queue
NOTE: Any mode not stated above must be referred to Product Manager immediately for updating this article.
For each mode, please be careful of how to configure the sensor.
1. Counting only
You can configure directly from the dashboard in Settings. Make sure Type of Node is `Visit`
You may also double check in Postman API (using `Get Node Status` ) and make sure `"walkby":"false"`
Example here:
{ "data": { "amac": "00B09DDB99F4", "bounce_rate_threshold": 120, "config": null, "created_at": "Mon, 05 Feb 2018 04:39:43 GMT", "device_type": "Brickstream", "engagement_rate_threshold": 600, "floor_id": null, "id": 2278, "last_checkin": 1579069140, "last_checkin_gw": 0, "max_cutoff_threshold": 10800, "name": "00B09DDB99F4", "points": null, "pos_x": 61, "pos_y": 23, "public_ip_address": null, "queue": "0", "region": null, "service": "0", "shopper_walkby_status_threshold": -65, "status": "live", "status_changed_at": 0, "tags": [], "updated_at": "Thu, 17 Sep 2020 13:45:18 GMT", "vehicle_camera_type": null, "venue_id": 20350, "walkby": false } }
2. Walkby only
You can configure directly from the dashboard in Settings. Make sure Type of Node is `Walkby`
You may also double check in Postman API (using `Get Node Status` ) and make sure `"walkby":"true"`
{ "data": { "amac": "00B09DDB99F4", "bounce_rate_threshold": 120, "config": null, "created_at": "Mon, 05 Feb 2018 04:39:43 GMT", "device_type": "Brickstream", "engagement_rate_threshold": 600, "floor_id": null, "id": 2278, "last_checkin": 1579069140, "last_checkin_gw": 0, "max_cutoff_threshold": 10800, "name": "00B09DDB99F4", "points": null, "pos_x": 61, "pos_y": 23, "public_ip_address": null, "queue": "0", "region": null, "service": "0", "shopper_walkby_status_threshold": -65, "status": "live", "status_changed_at": 0, "tags": [], "updated_at": "Thu, 17 Sep 2020 13:47:31 GMT", "vehicle_camera_type": null, "venue_id": 20350, "walkby": true } }
Counting + Walkby
This would require additional backend configuration by L2 Technical Support. On the dashboard, please configure it like for `Counting` only, and then request to L2 Technical Support with the walkby object name (i.e. `Passerby`) to make the change.
Once changes are made by L2 Technical Support, you can check the config in Postman to make sure it's correct.
{ "data": { "amac": "00B09D27A697", "bounce_rate_threshold": 120, "config": { "Passerby": { --> this is the walkby object name "walkby": true } }, "created_at": "Thu, 17 Sep 2020 03:05:59 GMT", "device_type": "Brickstream", "engagement_rate_threshold": 600, "floor_id": null, "id": 3677, "last_checkin": 1600350540, "last_checkin_gw": 0, "max_cutoff_threshold": 10800, "name": null, "points": null, "pos_x": null, "pos_y": null, "public_ip_address": "", "queue": "0", "region": null, "service": "0", "shopper_walkby_status_threshold": -65, "status": "live", "status_changed_at": 0, "tags": [], "updated_at": "Thu, 17 Sep 2020 03:05:59 GMT", "vehicle_camera_type": null, "venue_id": 21487, "walkby": false } }
Counting + Service
You can configure directly from the dashboard in Settings. Make sure Type of Node is `Visit` and enable `Service`
Counting + Queue
You can configure directly from the dashboard in Settings. Make sure Type of Node is `Visit` and enable `Queue`