TD Intelligence sensor stored historical footfall data into its internal storage with a 90days period. 

In case if there's lost of historical data, fret not! There's actually a way to retrieve it.

1. Login to RCS page

2. Select the Level 1 Location that you desired.

3. Select which sensor to restore the data (if all sensor is affected, select all sensor (be sure to check the quantity of sensor selected. max to select is 100 qty at a time)

4. Click at the Device Configuration option (gear icon)

5. Fill in the retransmit report data field:

Start Time (format - YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS)

Stop Time (format - YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS)

Report Operation (select either retransmit Primary/Secondary Report Address)

6. Click confirm and wait for the process to complete.

7. Once done, please wait for a few minutes/hours (depends on how large is the historical data need to be restored)

8. DONE !